Meniscus tear is one of the most common knee injuries in all sporting activities. The chances of a meniscus tear are exceptionally high in contact sports and risky sporting activities such as skiing and snowboarding.
The meniscus tissue is a shock absorber in the knee joint which can get damaged or torn as a result of trauma to the knee. Individuals with osteoarthritis and elite athletes are at a higher risk of meniscus tears due to muscle and bone degradation and overuse of knee muscles.
Minor meniscus tears can be treated by R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice packs, Compression and Elevation) treatment and physiotherapy. Wearing a Bauerfeind Genutrain knee brace or Sport Knee Support can aid in faster healing of minor meniscus tears.
Advanced meniscus tears might require surgical intervention such as a meniscectomy. GenuTrain S Hinged, GenuTrain P3 and SecuTec Genu are good knee braces to aid in post-surgery recovery.
Bauerfeind’s high-quality supports or braces with medical-grade compression are designed to provide pain relief and stability.
Our knit material and special viscoelastic massaging pads improve blood circulation and massage the knee joint during movement to aid the recovery process.