Tension in the back

Tension in the back muscles often leads to pain in the lumbar spine. This can develop slowly or shoot up the back suddenly (E.G. Lumbago). Not only older people are affected by this either. Due to poor posture during sedentary activities, a lack of exercise or increased stress, tension in the back can affect younger people, and has become increasingly common in young adults, teenagers and even children.

Causes of back tension


back tension


Incorrect strain on the back muscles, a lack of exercise, one-sided strain, an bad posture and a lack of magnesium can all trigger tension in the back. The people most often affected are those seated for long periods of time, athletes as well as those who are overweight. Pain, hardening/stiffening of the muscles and restricted mobility are the unpleasant consequences of weak or poorly stressed core and back muscles. If the tension in the back is not treated, those affected often stoop or adopt poor posture. This in turn increases the discomfort and can shorten the tendons in the long-term, leading to a vicious cycle. It is therefore best to act at the first signs of tension in your back to avoid this problem.

With these symptoms, tension in the back becomes noticeable

When there is tension, one or more muscles will contract without stress. The contraction lasts for a longer period of time and thus leads to a hardening of the muscle or muscle group (this is often described as a seizing sensation). Tension can occur in different areas of the body, however if the back muscles are affected, the person affected can suffer from pulling pains in the lumbar spine region (lower back). These pains develop slowly and increase with movement or pressure. The tension can be felt in the form of nodules and bulge-like thickening of the muscles. With long-lasting tension in the back muscles, the muscles shorten and lose their flexibility. Restriction of movement and poor posture are the result.

In severe cases where the pain is sudden and sharp, Lumbago is often the cause.

A doctor should be consulted if these symptoms occur

If the pain extends from the back to the buttocks and legs, it can be a sign of a herniated disc or irritation of the sciatic nerve. In these cases, it’s important to seek medical help as soon as possible from a doctor. If the back pain occurs after an accident, or if an underlying illness such as rheumatism or osteoporosis already exists, the pain should always be clarified by a doctor to confirm what the cause is.

A doctor should also be consulted immediately in the event of unusually severe pain, numbness or paralysis of the legs, as well as inexplicable accompanying complaints such as fever or incontinence.

physiotherapy and lower back pain  

Help with back tension

When there’s tension in the back, there’s a range of treatments that aim to relax the muscles and relieve pain:

  • Physiotherapy, local heat applications as well as pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications are used to treat pain in the lumbar spine and lumbago.
  • If a magnesium deficiency is responsible for the tension in the back muscles, it is advisable to take high-dose magnesium supplements in consultation with a doctor.
  • In addition, relaxation methods such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen or yoga are all recommended.

Acute back tension can be remedied in many cases with the measures above and with short-term protection. The treatment should start as early as possible to prevent a cycle of pain and issues known as spiral pain: The spiral pain leads to poor posture and stress, which in turn leads to tension. In the long run, a nerve issues with chronic persistent pain can develop.

Acute pain relief and prevention with back supports and braces

With targeted training, the core and back muscles can be built up and strengthened. Physical exercise, weight loss and practising good posture can all prevent renewed tension in the lower back. Additionally, medical back support and braces can help to greatly support treatment and therapy, as well as reverse tension in the back. Different supports and braces are used depending on the severity of the condition.

Back supports stabilise the lumbar spine

With back tension, those affected find massage with circular pressure (known as friction massage) very pleasant. Active supports such as the LumboTrain back support have a triangular friction massage pad that does just this. It massages the back in the lumbar spine area with every movement. Tension is loosened and pain is alleviated. The support is made from a  breathable and stretchable material and is comfortable to wear all day in any level of activity.

Back braces relieve the lumbar spine

Back brace and lumbar pain

Stabilising braces like the LordoLoc  support and relieve the lumbar spine with the help of built-in stability stays . These are adapted to the curvature of the spine in the lumbar area, and are tight and comfortable. An optimal stabilizsation of the lumbar spine is possible using individually adjustable tension straps. The tighter the two straps are tightened, the stronger the orthosis supports and relieves the lumbar spine, making it fully adjustable for each person and situation. Practical Velcro fasteners and hand straps make it easy to put on and customise. The brace itself is made of a breathable and particularly skin-friendly material and is comfortable to wear.

The LumboLoc stabilising brace relieves the lumbar spine and straightens it. It is a strong treatment for pain in the lumbar spine, lumbago as well as moderate weakness of the back muscles. The rigid struts on the back support  ofthe lumbar spine and the front also exert an adjustable compressive pressure as required. The LumboLoc is individually adjustable and, in conjunction with the elastic and breathable material, offers a high level of comfort. The perfect fit stabilises the lumbar spine and enables a pain-free posture for everyday use all day. With the help of practical hand straps, the orthosis can be easily put on and individually adjusted.

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