man doing hand step-ups split exercise at the gym

Hand step-ups split is a great exercise for the rotator cuff, which moves and stabilises the shoulder joint. You can add it to an upper-body strengthening routine or perform it as part of your rehabilitation following shoulder injury or surgery.


How to do hand step-ups: 

  • Begin this exercise in the push-up position with your hands on either side of an exercise step. Place your feet at or a little wider than shoulder-width apart for better balance.
  • Maintain a straight line alignment between your ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders.
  • Rise up onto the step first with one hand and then the other, keeping your elbows only slightly bent.
  • Step down from the step in the same fashion. 
  • Perform the exercise at a pace consistent with your ability.
  • One up-and-down step of each hand counts as a single repetition.
  • Relax and repeat 8-12 times for 2-3 sets or according to the recommendation of your clinician.


Support your hand step-ups:

Bauerfeind OmoTrain Shoulder Brace

OmoTrain Shoulder Brace


The support and compression provided by the OmoTrain Shoulder Brace from Bauerfeind can help ease shoulder pain and improve exercise performance.

  • Compression helps your nerves transmit signals to and from the brain
  • Compression also works to boost circulation and reduce swelling, ensuring healing tissues have all the oxygen and nutrients they need
  • A gel pad to relieve pain


More rotator cuff exercises to try:

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