Is It Okay to Walk With Knee Pain?

Knee pain is the most common of all joint pains. For some people it’s a niggle or a dull ache, for others its an excruciating pain each time they move their legs. The pain is often symptomatic of an underlying issue, so before you just put up with it, it's important to understand the cause.
Why do I have knee pain?
Your knee is the largest joint in the body, made up of a range of ligaments, tendons, cartilage and veins.
Such a large and complicated joint has a range of things that can cause problems and being able to confirm the exact cause is crucial for treatment.
The more common issues causing pain include:
- Arthritis
- Meniscus tear/strain
- Ligament strain/tear
- Tendinitis
- Fracture
- Joint swelling
These problems usually cause either sharp or dull pain, general aches, stiffness, reduced mobility and swelling.
Thankfully they are simple to treat, however, if symptoms persist after several days, the pain grows more intense or the knee starts to become discoloured, then it’s best to see a GP to diagnose and treat the problem.
Is it okay to walk with knee pain?
Treatments for knee pain can change greatly, from rest and immobilisation to strengthening and stretching.
If any of the following apply to you, it’s best to avoid putting weight on the knee until you can see a doctor and get the right treatment.
- Sharp pain that shoots through the leg with each step.
- Instability that causes the knee to buckle without any clear cause.
- Excessive swelling around the knee that causes pain when the knee is bent back.
- Grinding sound and heavy pain with each step.
- Numbness, pins and needles or lack of sensation in or around the knee.
In general, walking and exercising are important for recovery, and keeping the muscles surrounding the knee strong and flexible is crucial to reducing pain.
While it may feel like you can bear the pain and walk, it’s important to get the knee checked out.
Featured above: GenuTrain knee brace
How can I stop knee pain?
While treatment and management of knee injuries differ vastly, there are still a few core ways to treat knee pain no matter the cause.
Here are a few tips:
Prevention: Lowering the risk of knee injury is the best way to treat pain and preventing it from occurring.
Building strength in the muscles surrounding the knee, warming down properly after exercise and maintaining a healthy weight are all great ways to lower the risk of knee pain.
Supports and compression: Wearing medical grade supports, compression or braces have shown to effectively reduce pain in the knee, as well as aid in the recovery process.
Physiotherapy: In cases where the pain is more severe or constant, seeing a physiotherapist is a highly effective way of managing and reducing pain long-term, and lowering the risk of reinjury.
Swimming: Swimming is a low-impact form of exercise that takes pressure off the joints while still supporting the muscles. Other great low-impact activities include cycling, Yoga, Pilates and Tai-chi.
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Featured above: GenuTrain S Hinged Knee Brace
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Bauerfeind products are developed at our innovation and manufacturing facility in Zeulenroda, Germany. Based on years of scientific research, our award-winning braces and support garments are highly recommended by medical professionals and athletes worldwide.